We wanted to let our clients and contacts know about an ongoing initiative where petroleum-impacted facilities with eligible discharges scored 10 or less can have assessment, sampling and remediation performed with full-funding by the State of Florida. Any site with a priority ranking score of 10 points or less may voluntarily participate in the Florida Department of Environment Protection (FDEP) Low Score Site Initiative (LSSI). The great news for business and property owners is that sites that are eligible for state cleanup funding may receive payment of pre-approved costs, including 6 months of groundwater monitoring, not to exceed $30,000 for each site. Up to $10 million per fiscal year will be made available on a first come, first serve basis.
The intent of the LSSI program is to eliminate sites from the program; not fully assess the sites. Assessments will be streamlined to collect only enough data to determine if the site will qualify for a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO), No Further Action (NFA), or No Further Action with Conditions (NFAC). At the end of the first event the site owner will be required to review the initial assessment data with their contractor and decide if they want to proceed toward an SRCO, NFA, or NFAC. If a site does not qualify for closure based on site conditions, then no deductibles will be collected and the site will go back onto the pre-approval list for future funding based on site score and funding thresholds.
This is an opportunity for site and business owners to obtain valuable information about their property for little or no cost to them. It has potential to significantly increase the property’s value, as well as enhance real estate transactions in the vicinity of the property. For more information about LSSI or any other environmental questions, please contact Biovation at 561-745-1997.